big day!

finally, im done with my exam! it has been very hectic with all the articles, and they are many, like ants, their number just increased day by day! and everything else, but like i said, its done. tomorrow however we have to begin with the bachelor thesis. and i cant state that i have been loking forward with joy, but i had interest in it. anyway, that is gone by now. maybe after a weak at home during easter will help to boost my devotion. =P

so, since i have studied a couple of hours i had keep the energy level stable, well u know what i mean. so biscuits are nice, and i was recommended the new Ballerina-kladdkaka, that is was lovley. it suppose to have heavy choclate taste and kinda like mudcake, and is then supposed to have the swedish version of mudd cake, but in biscuit form. okay what ever. it was not good! uh uh! no! dissapointed! i prefer the orginal Ballerina or the one with mint crisps. but if we are talking about chocolate biscuits i must say my favourites is oreo <3

and talking about commercials. i love toblerone's commercial! with its honey river, and bee dolphins  i just love the whole concep! see for yourself and enjoy! :)


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